Aly's Scuba Advanced Open Water Certification 12/5 & 12/6 Maui, HI Success!!!
Brent, her instructor, was excellent and said she is a great diver. In fact, a natural and an awesome diver.
4 dives
1 deep dive 60 feet
2 wreck dive
3 night dive
4 regular reef dive and navigation dive
Saw about 16 different turtles, hundreds of different fish, heard whale sounds, saw a white tip shark, eels, eagle rays, lobster, crab, octopus that latched on to her arm.
She was a little startled by the octopus since it's tentacles tightened when Brent started to remove it. She learned that petting the head of an octopus calms them down. They don't think you're a predator.
I am very proud of Aly.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Maui, Hawaii
Nice place, it is sunny and warm, I am sitting by the pool with Richard, he is doing guess what? Sudoku and I am writing. It is 10:11 am. At noon, Aly and I will talk to the Scuba instructor, Brent, to see if she can get to the next level of scuba which is Rescue dive certification. Aly and Richard do not like Maui as much as Kauai. Kauai has many more memories for us which include all those years with William, his essence and spirit are there for sure. Kauai is much more native feeling and natural, earthy and rugged than Maui in my opinion. Kauai, forever!!! Next year, the the Big Island of Hawaii. Robert says he and Finley had a great time there and he loves it. Alison came with us and is coming home with us, she will return to Auburn next semester.
Maui, Hawaii
Nice place, it is sunny and warm, I am sitting by the pool with Richard, he is doing guess what? Sudoku and I am writing. It is 10:11 am. At noon, Aly and I will talk to the Scuba instructor, Brent, to see if she can get to the next level of scuba which is Rescue dive certification. Aly and Richard do not like Maui as much as Kauai. Kauai has many more memories for us which include all those years with William, his essence and spirit are there for sure. Kauai is much more native feeling and natural, earthy and rugged than Maui in my opinion. Kauai, forever!!! Next year, the the Big Island of Hawaii. Robert says he and Finley had a great time there and he loves it. Alison came with us and is coming home with us, she will return to Auburn next semester.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
23-November -2013 Poipu, Kauai
On patio at Poipu, guys are shopping for dinner it is about 4:30. Excellent memories of our times here in Kauai with Will abound. The gentle trade wind breeze, the clouds in the sky gently rolling along, the sound of the ocean with waves crashing softly ever present. The sound of the birds, the doves and kukui, chirps too. Especially the smells, fresh, tropical, earthy, gentle. All combined create a feeling of peace and tranquility of God's presence, knowing there is a plan and purpose for all of us. I am thankful to be here in paradise this day with my family and my beautiful friends rooster, hen, dove...
On patio at Poipu, guys are shopping for dinner it is about 4:30. Excellent memories of our times here in Kauai with Will abound. The gentle trade wind breeze, the clouds in the sky gently rolling along, the sound of the ocean with waves crashing softly ever present. The sound of the birds, the doves and kukui, chirps too. Especially the smells, fresh, tropical, earthy, gentle. All combined create a feeling of peace and tranquility of God's presence, knowing there is a plan and purpose for all of us. I am thankful to be here in paradise this day with my family and my beautiful friends rooster, hen, dove...
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Citrus Salad: sliced beef variant
Citrus Salad: Sliced Beef Variant by Richard Dickens - Delicious
Citrus Salad Dressing
2TBSP Honey
1/4TSP Colmans mustard powder
1TBSP Balsamic vinegar
1TBSP white vinegar
1TSP lemon juice
3TBSP olive oil
1/4TSP pepper
1/4TSP salt
Citrus Salad Dressing
2TBSP Honey
1/4TSP Colmans mustard powder
1TBSP Balsamic vinegar
1TBSP white vinegar
1TSP lemon juice
3TBSP olive oil
1/4TSP pepper
1/4TSP salt
Saturday, October 19, 2013
4 year ago, this day started out as a regular day. The twinkle in your beautiful green eyes, your smile. At 10:58 pm, you were gone. I am glad that I told you that I loved you in the afternoon and sorry we didn't go in the hot tub. Missing you Will, you are on my mind and in my heart, love Mom
Thursday, October 17, 2013
4 years ago this Saturday, October 19, we lost our son Will. Life changed dramatically for me and my family. We had no idea that this was going to happen, no signs at all. As I reflect now there may have been a combination of factors going on with Will, the combination of which were fatal. He and the love of his life had broken up, he just quit water polo after 5 very successful years, had a new coach, he did not like change, he liked Ann Marie and the team, he was on track to graduate with a 3.2 gpa according to his resource teacher when I followed up after he quit water polo. He may have been down on himself because of his special need for reading.
What a shock for all of us. Each day, I will try to find peace as I walk my life's journey...
4 years ago this Saturday, October 19, we lost our son Will. Life changed dramatically for me and my family. We had no idea that this was going to happen, no signs at all. As I reflect now there may have been a combination of factors going on with Will, the combination of which were fatal. He and the love of his life had broken up, he just quit water polo after 5 very successful years, had a new coach, he did not like change, he liked Ann Marie and the team, he was on track to graduate with a 3.2 gpa according to his resource teacher when I followed up after he quit water polo. He may have been down on himself because of his special need for reading.
What a shock for all of us. Each day, I will try to find peace as I walk my life's journey...
Monday, October 7, 2013
October 7, 2013 Time and new beginnings
7 October 2013
5 minutes to write. Time, got up at 6:11, actually out of bed then, woke up at 5, took Millie out, tried to go back to sleep, ended up praying. For the country, that there would soon be an end to the government shut down and people would stop the crap and do their jobs so we can do our jobs. Praying for my family to be protected, to live long, happy, healthy, peaceful and successful lives. Praying for myself, that I too will live a long and productive life. That I get a good paying fulfilling job. Now surrounded by my beautiful animals, well fed and satisfied. I am ready to hit the day running! The church service yesterday about technology gives me a very good perspective and positive outlook.
5 minutes to write. Time, got up at 6:11, actually out of bed then, woke up at 5, took Millie out, tried to go back to sleep, ended up praying. For the country, that there would soon be an end to the government shut down and people would stop the crap and do their jobs so we can do our jobs. Praying for my family to be protected, to live long, happy, healthy, peaceful and successful lives. Praying for myself, that I too will live a long and productive life. That I get a good paying fulfilling job. Now surrounded by my beautiful animals, well fed and satisfied. I am ready to hit the day running! The church service yesterday about technology gives me a very good perspective and positive outlook.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Pinch, punch first day of the month
August 31, 2013
Feet ache, a perfect Saturday on the canal boat in Wales. I must have walked about 5 miles if not more. Now I am in our room with the side window open. We are on our way back to Chirk Marina to moor for the night. Then tomorrow
off to Chirk Castle by boat. Just made it through a tunnel. Weather breezy and chili yet sunny. Met Gwen and Mandy from Devon whilst walking. Interesting people, Gwen is Welsh and still speaks the language.
Met up with Andrew, we saw some small fish and helped a small frog across the path.
Aly said that she is feeling a little better via text but she is still exhausted. I hope she feels much better very soon and can resume a healthy life. What an ordeal.
September 1, 2013
Pinch, Punch, First day of the month, White Rabbit
That is to be said on the first day of any month before any other
Words are spoken.
Last night we moored beyond Chirkboats at a place where there was a pub right outside the boat where Dick could comfortable make it for a meal. We had a nice meal. I had a good night sleep and wok up to a text from Aly saying she went to the Auburn game last night. It will be her first with Tim. They beat Washington State 34-21.
We were greeted with ducks this morning on our boat and in the water. We fed them some crumbs and then were on our way. I walked some, helped, drove some, helped find the hose. We re moored now in Ellesmere, a nice village of 3000 people in Shropshire; such beautiful country. Andrew, Helen and I walked to the Mere and thought the village so nice. Now Helen is making pasta on the boat, I prepped snacks.
More ducks outside in the water, quack, quack, quack...
Feet ache, a perfect Saturday on the canal boat in Wales. I must have walked about 5 miles if not more. Now I am in our room with the side window open. We are on our way back to Chirk Marina to moor for the night. Then tomorrow
off to Chirk Castle by boat. Just made it through a tunnel. Weather breezy and chili yet sunny. Met Gwen and Mandy from Devon whilst walking. Interesting people, Gwen is Welsh and still speaks the language.
Met up with Andrew, we saw some small fish and helped a small frog across the path.
Aly said that she is feeling a little better via text but she is still exhausted. I hope she feels much better very soon and can resume a healthy life. What an ordeal.
September 1, 2013
Pinch, Punch, First day of the month, White Rabbit
That is to be said on the first day of any month before any other
Words are spoken.
Last night we moored beyond Chirkboats at a place where there was a pub right outside the boat where Dick could comfortable make it for a meal. We had a nice meal. I had a good night sleep and wok up to a text from Aly saying she went to the Auburn game last night. It will be her first with Tim. They beat Washington State 34-21.
We were greeted with ducks this morning on our boat and in the water. We fed them some crumbs and then were on our way. I walked some, helped, drove some, helped find the hose. We re moored now in Ellesmere, a nice village of 3000 people in Shropshire; such beautiful country. Andrew, Helen and I walked to the Mere and thought the village so nice. Now Helen is making pasta on the boat, I prepped snacks.
More ducks outside in the water, quack, quack, quack...
Sunday, August 25, 2013
English Country Holiday Trip-England August 20 - September 8
August 25, 2013 "The Lilac's" Andrew & Helen Dickens' house in Elvaston, Derbyshire, England.
Arrived yesterday from Isle of Wight, walked to the pub down the road fora meal last night. It was lovely. I had steak and kidney pie to die for. Dick had duck and he said it was lovely. Andrew and Helen had a salmon starter with avocado and tomato. Today we plan to go swimming and have a laid back sort of day.
August 24, 2013 Ursula's house Isle of Wight
Last night we had dinner at Nigel Harrison's at Cowe's with Neal and Ruth. Nigel is a musician and played folk, jazz and country songs for us. The meal was a BBQ kebab, pork chops, sausage, salad, warm camembert cheese and bread, fresh blackberries for dessert and cheesecake. What a wonderful evening.
Yesterday afternoon we had a swim and lunch at the Lakeside Hotel. Then went to see Quarr Abbey, Benedictine Monk's Monastery. Ursula, Ben and I walked in the morning for about an hour through the forest.
The day before off to the chiropodist for Dick and tea in Shanklin. And then dinner of fish at Ursula's. Today, back to the ferry and then off to Andrew and Helen's at Elvaston.
August 20, 2013
Finally on our way to England. Dick changed seats on the plan and is on the other side. We upgraded to Premium Economy. My volume does not work on the "entertainment center". I will have to get that fixed or change seats.
Aly got stung by wasps yesterday on her balcony. Today, she assembled a new roll around stand for more room in her kitchen/dining room. It looks pretty nice. Tomorrow classes start bright and early for both Aly & Tim. I hope and pray that she (they) has (have) a great semester in every way.
I am a little cold right now. I will come back during the night. Hungry too!
August 22 , 2013
Well we arrive safely in England. A very smooth flight. A great flight, easy checking in and on boarding on the San Francisco end. Very easy disembarking with wheel chair waiting for Dick and clearing customs on the Heathrow end. We picked up the car at Hertz - a Volvo Crossover. It is very comfortable.
We drove down to Portsmouth to catch the ferry to the Isle of Wight. It is about 85 miles from Heathrow. We only made one mistake missing the ferry exit and had to go round the round about again. Thank goodness for Dick driving on the left. If it were me with the traffic, I would have been a basket case.
Arrived at Ursula's. She was just getting home from walking Ben, her 15 year old Black Lab. She looks great. She also has 3 cats in the yard black and white. We had drinks and talked, had dinner, then I went to bed. I was so tired having not slept on the plane the other night.
Now it is 4:06 am. I am wide awake writing this note whilst using small flash light that Dick brought thank goodness for light. Today, we will all get pedicures, have lunch on the Island and relax. It is so peaceful and quiet here. I will take a long walk, take pictures and post them to my blog and Facebook.
Luckily I got my task list of 13 action items completed before we left. That way things are being handled for fall events during my absence. My intent here on the trip is to get a lot if rest, relax and rejuvenate. Dropped off car with Jennifer. she is now at the house with Kristina and the animals.
Took mom out to lunch on Tuesday at Pruneyard in Campbell before we left, dropped Em's stuff off, then dropped car off at Christine's. we were picked up by the limo at Christine's house. It was great to see Christine, Alex (he left for school yesterday). He now has an apartment in Boulder, Colorado. Also saw Lucas and Fred Ghai. They are Juniors in college. Will would be too, oh how I miss you Will. Your spirit is here with me in everything I do. I can feel your presence here with me at Ursula's. Ah, all those memories, all those years with you!
Arrived yesterday from Isle of Wight, walked to the pub down the road fora meal last night. It was lovely. I had steak and kidney pie to die for. Dick had duck and he said it was lovely. Andrew and Helen had a salmon starter with avocado and tomato. Today we plan to go swimming and have a laid back sort of day.
August 24, 2013 Ursula's house Isle of Wight
Last night we had dinner at Nigel Harrison's at Cowe's with Neal and Ruth. Nigel is a musician and played folk, jazz and country songs for us. The meal was a BBQ kebab, pork chops, sausage, salad, warm camembert cheese and bread, fresh blackberries for dessert and cheesecake. What a wonderful evening.
Yesterday afternoon we had a swim and lunch at the Lakeside Hotel. Then went to see Quarr Abbey, Benedictine Monk's Monastery. Ursula, Ben and I walked in the morning for about an hour through the forest.
The day before off to the chiropodist for Dick and tea in Shanklin. And then dinner of fish at Ursula's. Today, back to the ferry and then off to Andrew and Helen's at Elvaston.
August 20, 2013
Finally on our way to England. Dick changed seats on the plan and is on the other side. We upgraded to Premium Economy. My volume does not work on the "entertainment center". I will have to get that fixed or change seats.
Aly got stung by wasps yesterday on her balcony. Today, she assembled a new roll around stand for more room in her kitchen/dining room. It looks pretty nice. Tomorrow classes start bright and early for both Aly & Tim. I hope and pray that she (they) has (have) a great semester in every way.
I am a little cold right now. I will come back during the night. Hungry too!
August 22 , 2013
Well we arrive safely in England. A very smooth flight. A great flight, easy checking in and on boarding on the San Francisco end. Very easy disembarking with wheel chair waiting for Dick and clearing customs on the Heathrow end. We picked up the car at Hertz - a Volvo Crossover. It is very comfortable.
We drove down to Portsmouth to catch the ferry to the Isle of Wight. It is about 85 miles from Heathrow. We only made one mistake missing the ferry exit and had to go round the round about again. Thank goodness for Dick driving on the left. If it were me with the traffic, I would have been a basket case.
Arrived at Ursula's. She was just getting home from walking Ben, her 15 year old Black Lab. She looks great. She also has 3 cats in the yard black and white. We had drinks and talked, had dinner, then I went to bed. I was so tired having not slept on the plane the other night.
Now it is 4:06 am. I am wide awake writing this note whilst using small flash light that Dick brought thank goodness for light. Today, we will all get pedicures, have lunch on the Island and relax. It is so peaceful and quiet here. I will take a long walk, take pictures and post them to my blog and Facebook.
Luckily I got my task list of 13 action items completed before we left. That way things are being handled for fall events during my absence. My intent here on the trip is to get a lot if rest, relax and rejuvenate. Dropped off car with Jennifer. she is now at the house with Kristina and the animals.
Took mom out to lunch on Tuesday at Pruneyard in Campbell before we left, dropped Em's stuff off, then dropped car off at Christine's. we were picked up by the limo at Christine's house. It was great to see Christine, Alex (he left for school yesterday). He now has an apartment in Boulder, Colorado. Also saw Lucas and Fred Ghai. They are Juniors in college. Will would be too, oh how I miss you Will. Your spirit is here with me in everything I do. I can feel your presence here with me at Ursula's. Ah, all those memories, all those years with you!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Aly and Tim
Aly's boyfriend Tim is visiting California this past week. Last Sunday, I went to Tahoe with them. It was very nice, South Shore then to Incline then home to Lincoln. Monday was a day to kick back at home. Tuesday it rained all day. They left for the Bay Area at 5 that evening and stayed at Emily's. Ate at La Fiesta and saw Diana and Grandma on their way home yesterday. Today they are touring Marin County with Richard. Tonight Sloane and David, Aly and Tim, Richard and I will enjoy a tasty traditional meal of fresh crab prepared by Richard with deviled eggs and oysters Rockefeller prepared by Aly back at home here in Lincoln. Table is set and ready to go!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Will's 20th birthday trip to Bishop's Ranch Healdsburg
Will's Birthday Trip 2013 he was born 20 years ago
Alison, Richard and I left Lincoln at 8 am. I drove to Calistoga. Aly drove to Healdsburg.
Lincoln to Winters
Winters to Lake Berryessa (memories of our Berryessa trip in the camper when the kids were in Junior High. We rented a pontoon boat with an inner tube attached. The kids had so much fun tubing. I will never forget the happy looks on their Beautiful faces)
Lake Berryessa to Calistoga
Lunch at Brannon's it was ok
Passed Safari West (where Will went to Emily's sweet 16 party)
Destination Bishop's Ranch
Peaceful day at the ranch remembering our retreat times with Will. I can still see him on the tire swing with Alex and Alison. We left Richard alone for an hour. He needed his alone time with William. Aly and I went to town to check out Powell's Candy store more memories...
Richard drove home.
Alison, Richard and I left Lincoln at 8 am. I drove to Calistoga. Aly drove to Healdsburg.
Lincoln to Winters
Winters to Lake Berryessa (memories of our Berryessa trip in the camper when the kids were in Junior High. We rented a pontoon boat with an inner tube attached. The kids had so much fun tubing. I will never forget the happy looks on their Beautiful faces)
Lake Berryessa to Calistoga
Lunch at Brannon's it was ok
Passed Safari West (where Will went to Emily's sweet 16 party)
Destination Bishop's Ranch
Peaceful day at the ranch remembering our retreat times with Will. I can still see him on the tire swing with Alex and Alison. We left Richard alone for an hour. He needed his alone time with William. Aly and I went to town to check out Powell's Candy store more memories...
Richard drove home.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013 - Pittsburgh, PA
I am here in Pittsburgh, PA attending a memorial for one of my favorite aunts, Sarah Spratt. A beautiful service with family attending and then the reception with about 40 relatives. Sarah's family, Bob's family, Donna's family, Richard's family and Margaret's family. What a wonderful way to celebrate the life of Aunt Sar.
Today is a beautiful, I just walked to the Ohio River and back along the Allegheny with a lovely view of the Mount. I love Saint Mary's of the Mount, what a beautiful church and location. We are staying near Pirate's Stadium on the North Shore, they won two games against the Braves. Today is the third game. Excited fans abound.
Today is a beautiful, I just walked to the Ohio River and back along the Allegheny with a lovely view of the Mount. I love Saint Mary's of the Mount, what a beautiful church and location. We are staying near Pirate's Stadium on the North Shore, they won two games against the Braves. Today is the third game. Excited fans abound.

Monday, April 8, 2013
March 2013 Grief Journal Entries - Thoughts of Will
19-March, 6:55 am, clear, will be a beautiful Spring Day, Lincoln, CA
I could not get back to sleep after 4:30 am, as much as I tried and prayed. Will, you will always be the kindest, most gentle and sweetest person I have known. I am grateful that God gave you to us for as long as you lived. In 16 short years, you accomplished so much, a loving son and brother, uncle and dear friend. A sweet boyfriend and soul mate. A good student, fantastic athlete, a lifeguard, you took your responsibilities very seriously. I often wonder what you would be up to and where your would be if you were still physically here with us.
8-March, Cloudy, Carmel Highlands
We have a beautiful view of the ocean from our villa. This has to be one of the best views ever. Yesterday on the trip down via Palo Alto with Richard getting a blood test and dentist appointment. I connected with Christine, Marielena, St. Bede's and you, Will. You are still impacting change in the community. Marielena is so strong. She calls us an inspiration to her to continue the fight against bullying in the schools. She told me that her special needs student was bullied in the school yard at recess. When reported to the teacher, she said it was not her job, it is yard duty's job...This is terrible and unacceptable.
3-March, 7:06 am, cloudy, Lincoln
Will, I still cannot believe what happened to you and that you are gone.
I could not get back to sleep after 4:30 am, as much as I tried and prayed. Will, you will always be the kindest, most gentle and sweetest person I have known. I am grateful that God gave you to us for as long as you lived. In 16 short years, you accomplished so much, a loving son and brother, uncle and dear friend. A sweet boyfriend and soul mate. A good student, fantastic athlete, a lifeguard, you took your responsibilities very seriously. I often wonder what you would be up to and where your would be if you were still physically here with us.
8-March, Cloudy, Carmel Highlands
We have a beautiful view of the ocean from our villa. This has to be one of the best views ever. Yesterday on the trip down via Palo Alto with Richard getting a blood test and dentist appointment. I connected with Christine, Marielena, St. Bede's and you, Will. You are still impacting change in the community. Marielena is so strong. She calls us an inspiration to her to continue the fight against bullying in the schools. She told me that her special needs student was bullied in the school yard at recess. When reported to the teacher, she said it was not her job, it is yard duty's job...This is terrible and unacceptable.
3-March, 7:06 am, cloudy, Lincoln
Will, I still cannot believe what happened to you and that you are gone.
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Richard and I spent several days at Carmel Highlands. Our room number 436 was great, had a terrific view and felt very peaceful, secluded and cozy. This is a photo of the sunset last night. We arrived on Thursday evening and woke to a gray, rainy and windy morning on Friday. Took a driving tour of Pacific Grove, Monterey and Carmel by the Sea. Saturday was a beautiful clear and sunny day. We drove to Big Sur and went to Andrew Morela State Park and visited the Ranch House Museum. It had a list of the 1900 census and all the people that lived in the area at that time. The docent was fantastic, she was so interesting and knew the history. Today, we will attend Mass at Carmel Mission and have lunch at Alison and Richard's favorite place to eat in Monterey-Rosine's While Alison
on is on Spring Break with her boyfriend Tim and his Mom staying at The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island, South Carolina, she asked that Richard and I split her favorite German Chocolate cake for dessert. We will.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Today is February 1
It is a gorgeous morning, clear skies and sunny. Today, I plan to volunteer at Ride to Walk, horseback riding therapy for people with special needs. Each day brings new opportunities to get out and live life fully. I talked to Aly this morning, she is in between classes. She has studying, laundry and cleaning to do today. This evening, she and Tim are going out for Sushi in old downtown Opelika. I know they will have a good time. I miss Aly being at home, this semester finishes in May.
Billy Kitty just jumped up on my chair to say hi.
Last Sunday, Richard and I went to St. John's church in Roseville. The sermon was great, very interactive. The intent was to bring out our inner kindergarten selves. We all got colored paper, pencil and scissors. We were asked to trace our hands and write our strengths and talents on each finger, then cut out the hand and place it on a large paper at the back of the church. We were reminded to periodically look at all of the talents that are part of the congregation, a very humbling experience, indeed.
Tomorrow, off to the Bay Area, we will stop by Will's Garden Close and St. Bede's before going to my Mom's for her birthday.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Grieving References
Grieving References
Grief's Courageous Journey: A Workbook, by Sandi Caplan and Gordon Lang
Life after Loss: A Practical Guide, by Bob Deits
Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul, by Jack Canfield and Mark Hanson
Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life, by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Unattended Sorrow: Recovering from Loss and Reviving the Heart, by Stephen Levine
Surviving Grief and Learning to Live Again, by Catherine M. Saunders
The Mourning Handbook, by Helen Fitzgerald
Healing Your Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas, by Alan D. Wolfelt
Life Lessons, by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler
How to Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies, by Therese A. Rando
Letting Go With Love: The Grieving Process, by Nancy O'Connor
A Time to Grieve: Meditations for Healing, by Carol Staudacher
Grieving Mindfully: A Compassionate and Spiritual Guide to Coping with Loss, by Sameet M. Kumar
Five Good Minutes: 100 Morning Practices to Help You Stay Calm and Focused All Day Long, by Jeffrey Brantley and Wendy Millstine
Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working through Grief, by Martha W. Hickman
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, by Eckhart Tolle
A Journey Through Grief: Gentle, Specific Help, by Alla Renee Bozarth
Walking through the Garden of Souls, by George Anderson and Andrew Barone
Many Lives, Many Masters, by Robert Weiss
Messages from the Masters, by Robert Weiss
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Healing Grief: Reclaiming life after any loss by James Van Praagh
Helping Teens Cope with Death by the Dougy Center
Grieving the Unexpected by Dr. Gary LaBlanc
Grief's Courageous Journey: A Workbook, by Sandi Caplan and Gordon Lang
Life after Loss: A Practical Guide, by Bob Deits
Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul, by Jack Canfield and Mark Hanson
Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life, by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Unattended Sorrow: Recovering from Loss and Reviving the Heart, by Stephen Levine
Surviving Grief and Learning to Live Again, by Catherine M. Saunders
The Mourning Handbook, by Helen Fitzgerald
Healing Your Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas, by Alan D. Wolfelt
Life Lessons, by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler
How to Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies, by Therese A. Rando
Letting Go With Love: The Grieving Process, by Nancy O'Connor
A Time to Grieve: Meditations for Healing, by Carol Staudacher
Grieving Mindfully: A Compassionate and Spiritual Guide to Coping with Loss, by Sameet M. Kumar
Five Good Minutes: 100 Morning Practices to Help You Stay Calm and Focused All Day Long, by Jeffrey Brantley and Wendy Millstine
Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working through Grief, by Martha W. Hickman
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, by Eckhart Tolle
A Journey Through Grief: Gentle, Specific Help, by Alla Renee Bozarth
Walking through the Garden of Souls, by George Anderson and Andrew Barone
Many Lives, Many Masters, by Robert Weiss
Messages from the Masters, by Robert Weiss
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Healing Grief: Reclaiming life after any loss by James Van Praagh
Helping Teens Cope with Death by the Dougy Center
Grieving the Unexpected by Dr. Gary LaBlanc
World's Best Fondue
World's Best Cheese Fondue
1/2 pound imported Swiss cheese, shredded
1/2 pound Gruyere cheese, shredded
2 tablespoons of cornstarch
1 garlic clove, peeled
1 cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon cherry brandy, such as kirsch
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
Pinch nutmeg
Assorted dippers
In a small bowl, coat thee cheeses with cornstarch. Rub the inside of the of the fondue pot with the garlic, then discard
Over medium heat, add the wine and lemon juice and bring to a gentle simmer. Gradually, stir the cheese into the simmering liquid. Melting the cheese gradually encourages a smooth fondue. Once smooth, stir in cherry brandy, mustard and nutmeg
Arrange an assortment of bite-sized dipping foods on a lazy Susan around fondue pot. Serve with chunks of sourdough breads, apples, broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus. Spear with fondu forks or wooden skewers, dip and enjoy
A fun and romantic treat to eat with your honey or serve at a small gathering of friends.
1/2 pound imported Swiss cheese, shredded
1/2 pound Gruyere cheese, shredded
2 tablespoons of cornstarch
1 garlic clove, peeled
1 cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon cherry brandy, such as kirsch
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
Pinch nutmeg
Assorted dippers
In a small bowl, coat thee cheeses with cornstarch. Rub the inside of the of the fondue pot with the garlic, then discard
Over medium heat, add the wine and lemon juice and bring to a gentle simmer. Gradually, stir the cheese into the simmering liquid. Melting the cheese gradually encourages a smooth fondue. Once smooth, stir in cherry brandy, mustard and nutmeg
Arrange an assortment of bite-sized dipping foods on a lazy Susan around fondue pot. Serve with chunks of sourdough breads, apples, broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus. Spear with fondu forks or wooden skewers, dip and enjoy
A fun and romantic treat to eat with your honey or serve at a small gathering of friends.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Travel and Omelets
We are back from our trip to Texas; Houston, Galveston, San Antonio and Austin. We had a great trip being with family, visiting old friends and seeing the sights. The weather was the coldest that it has been since we've being going to Texas for New Year's for the last 6 or 7 years.
On another subject, I got an omelet pan for Christmas. It is the best! I am now the omelet queen of the family. Whether plain cheese or otherwise, they turn out great every time. I start with 3 eggs, add milk and pepper, stir. Pour half into each side of the omelet pan which is already sprayed with cooking oil. I always add shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Sometimes I will spice it up with onions, mushrooms, olive and pico de gallo (to give that Latin spicy taste). After cooking, close the open pan and let set for a several seconds before turning off the gas. Flip the pan once, open and slide the omelet onto a plate. Richard and I split the omelet. Perfect every time.
Missing Will at the beginning of 2013. I am so grateful that he was with us for his first 17 years of life, he was a joy to our family and friends. We hung his Christmas stocking at home and the Dixon's. Planning 2013 giving in Will's memory.
Norah our cat...
On another subject, I got an omelet pan for Christmas. It is the best! I am now the omelet queen of the family. Whether plain cheese or otherwise, they turn out great every time. I start with 3 eggs, add milk and pepper, stir. Pour half into each side of the omelet pan which is already sprayed with cooking oil. I always add shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Sometimes I will spice it up with onions, mushrooms, olive and pico de gallo (to give that Latin spicy taste). After cooking, close the open pan and let set for a several seconds before turning off the gas. Flip the pan once, open and slide the omelet onto a plate. Richard and I split the omelet. Perfect every time.
Missing Will at the beginning of 2013. I am so grateful that he was with us for his first 17 years of life, he was a joy to our family and friends. We hung his Christmas stocking at home and the Dixon's. Planning 2013 giving in Will's memory.
Norah our cat...
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