
Will at play

Saturday, October 29, 2011

One step at a time, one foot in front of the other

Today is the 19th anniversary of our son, Brian Alexander's infant death. He was born on October 29 and lived for a day. His twin brother, Eric Richard, was born on October 30 and died on November 1. This time of year is very somber, one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. God has a plan for each and every one of us. KARMA is the word of the day for me. Often capitalized: defined as the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence. Life forces and nature, the sun rising and setting, God's presence in our lives with each of us having a purpose to make a difference. I live each day surrounded by Will's spirit. I am so grateful to have known Will here on earth. I continue the journey to find purpose in this life, to give back, to accept and appreciate what God has given to me. I am thankful for my family, friends and live my life with love, honesty and integrity in my heart in peace and harmony with the universe for the good of all concerned.

Recipe of the day:

Richard's Yorkshire Pudding
1 scant cup of flour
1/2 cup of water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup of milk
2 eggs

Combine ingredients, whip it, refrigerate for 1 hour, remove whip again until bubbles appear. Place 1/4 inch of oil in muffin tin. Place tin in 400 degree pre-heated oven to heat up oil for 3 or 4 minutes, remove, distribute pudding mixture evenly across muffin tin. Cook for 10 minutes, remove, drop temperature to 350 degrees and cook for 20 minutes until muffins are golden brown.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fall 2011-October

October 19 will be the 2nd anniversary of Will's tragic death. Fall used to be my favorite time of year. October was especially my favorite month. I still want fall to be my favorite, it is very difficult, now. Perhaps, eventually...
We just got back from attending a wedding in England. It was a fairy tale wedding at a very old church at Elvaston Castle County Park in Derby. Proud parents (Richard's cousin, Andrew, and his wife, Helen), proud bride and groom, Fran and Rich. We were honored to share in their wedding day.
Then off to Sheffield to visit more relatives, ah the love of family, thank you! Hiked the Yorkshire Moors-Herriott country then off to London to see plays. War Horse was our favorite.
We hear of many changes happening at St. Bede's. We look forward to stopping by when in town to visit, attend church, just "be" in Will's garden among nature with his spirit ever so present there.
On my commute to San Francisco, I take the ferry from Vallejo, I journal. Have been writing in the same journal since Will died. Reading it, brings back so many memories, so much of the journey. Here is an excerpt:
May 21, 2010-Will's 17th birthday
"Visited Bede's after dropping Aly off at school, the Trinity kids were going to chapel. Will, your spirit was with them. Giselle was awarded your Adopt-a-College scholarship in the amount of $2000. She will go to USF next year and wants to become a Spanish teacher. The program is wonderful, we will donate in your name every year and follow the kids through college. I love you so much and miss you, Will. Mom