
Will at play

Thursday, November 17, 2016

November 2016 so far

Let's see busy November so far-last week, 60 surprise birthday party and November birthdays at 2428 in San Jose, lovely! Had Kett's and Bennison's over to our house for a nice lunch last Thursday. Cats on Friday in Sacramento at 24th Street Theater with Sloane and dinner treated by Sloane at the Meridians. It was very nice.
Today errands, shop and hang out at the pool and beach.
Oh yeah, on Thursday the 3rd traded in the Mercedes for a 2016 Town & Country minivan, more comfortable for Dick. No wonder it seems that we have done a lot so far in November, whew! Alison went camping last weekend with Austin and Drew and his girlfriend. She had a fun time. She arrives here on Thursday!
Tuesday, November 15-Had a rough sleep last night with Dick's oxygen alarm going off every 5 minutes for a couple of hours. I could not disable the alarm. Had a nice morning eating our toast with team and villa before going to the pool and hot tub with Dick, very nice. Talked to Alison, she is doing really well in school and is excited to come to Kauai on Thursday.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Will missing you today and always

Will, thinking of you and loving you on this 7th anniversary of you leaving this earth. Even though time passes, love in my heart for you is always there. Spending time with Alison at Auburn University. I am happy to be here with her. She is such a help to me.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Labor Day 2016

We had a wonderful Labor Day 2016 in Palo Alto and San Jose. Ri chard and I drove down early in the morning-traffic was light. Visited with Christine Braelow in Palo Alto in the morning, we had a lot of fun, The frui, cookies and coffee hit the spot. Then we were off to Billie's in San Jose for the Labor Day pool party with fam
ily and friends. Lovely Day all around. Traffic on the way back to Lincoln, light as well. It pays to travel to the Bay Area on Holidays.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Surprise visit from Alison-July 14-18

July 14-18
We had a great long weekend with Alison home to surprise her Dad for his birthday. She arrived last Thursday night, got a great deal on American Airlines flight. Richard and I went to Truckee that day for a Lamburger. Not cooked enough for me. Richard got the best birthday present ever having Alison at home. Friday was relaxing, Richard and Alison went grocery shopping together. We all took turns cooking meals for each other the whole time. Alison and Richard put a jigsaw puzzle together of Winnie the Poo. It was so nice to watch them sitting with their heads almost together concentrating on the puzzle and each other. They also worked on Alison's BREXIT essay for English class. Janet taught a Facebook class on Saturday. We all went to Donna Seymour's 80th birthday party in Novato on Saturday afternoon. It is a 2 hour drive there and back to Lincoln. It was very fun. We got to catch up with Kent & Donna, family and friends. Sunday, Alison and Richard slept in while Janet walked Millie and went to church. Alison made a wonderful brunch of soft boiled eggs, sausage, a delicious hash brown casserole, fruit, tea and mimosas. On Monday, we all hung out: our 3 cats-Billie, Norah & Ginger, Millie our dog and our family, Richard, Janet & Alison. Alison and her boyfriend Austin talked on the phone and played video games. The weather was great here, low 80s. We finished the day with Alison in the hot tub before going to the airport. We dropped Alison off, hugged and said love you, until next time and came back home to Lincoln. On our way back at dusk there was a beautiful sunset as well as a full moon rising. Austin picked Alison up at the airport this Tuesday morning. They went out to breakfast and she is now back in class at Auburn. Loving and cherishing the time spent with family making memories to last forever.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Will Dickens 23rd birthday today

Loving you and missing you on your 23rd birthday. Cherishing the memories with you enriching our lives. Forever in my heart. Love Mom
— thinking about someone special.
It has been almost 7 years since you left us here on earth. Often wonder what life would be like if you were still here. What you would be doing, where we would be living, etc. I appreciate it that you still visit in dreams that are so special to me.
You had such a wonderful life growing up at Stanford. What happened? How did it go so wrong? What did I miss? How could I have helped? We continue as a family you to put our lives back together, to heal, to help each other.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Hawaii March 2016

March-Off to Hawaii

March Holiday Off to Hawaii-Pride of America

Off to catch the cruise ship tomorrow afternoon. It was delayed by a day. So I did some work this morning, then we took off at 12:30 ish. Dick also caught up on work. I haven't written since January. Two weekends ago, we stayed at Carmel Highlands in the rain. It rained last weekend as well. So green. A new delightful discovery for lunch in Winters, The Putah Creek Grill. We asked folks that just finished, where is the best place to eat and they all turned and point there. We are off to a good start. Maliah was born this morning after midnight to Jeff and Monique.
March 16, 2016
At hotel, nice older Spanish style in Millbrae, car will stay here until we get back. We had breakfast at the restaurant here, it was very nice and had in room dining last night. TV stations were very basic and nothing but crap was on. What a process for checking in, waiting in a long line for what seemed to be a couple of hours. Then because Dick has a walker, when we got closer to the front of the line, we were escorted to an area for accessible check-in. Our ship room is on deck 10 room 10164. We are supposed to board after 1:30 pm. Left around 7 pm, we had dinner at Liberty sitting aft, window and port side. I had Caesar salad, salmon and cheese plate for dessert. Dick had grapefruit salad, beef and creme Brûlée for dessert. Came back to our room, ordered breakfast and went to bed.
March 17, 2016 5 am
Happy St. Patrick's Day
I could not sleep, the ship is rocking side to side. I can hear the sea, Slept with the door opened, then closed it when I woke up at 3:30. Last night, after dinner, I checked out the ship on decks 5 and 6. There is so much to do here, many restaurants, a theater, shops all nicely appointed. There are 900 crew on board, we learned from the head of food and bev at dinner last night. Today, we want to check out decks 11 and 12, where the pools and bars are. Need to check out internet access and possibly Skype with Alison. She wants Seth to take more of the initiative, to treat her special, take her out on dates. She needs to stay on her path and follow her dreams. Our room is nice, very comfy, a balcony, lot of storage, a pull out couch and a queen or double bed with small tables on either side.Want to exercise and swim today, see a show, have breakfast on the balcony, walk around the deck. The demographic on the ship is a combination of older people, families, and young people.
I need to find a new gig. CalWIN is not a good culture nor a good fit for me. I put it out to the Universe-new gig, please, one that is fulfilling and uses my talents.
March 18, 2016 Inspired by the sea
Yesterday, sitting on the balcony, saw some dolphins or porpoises, inspiring. We ate and walked around. Had Brazilian dinner, lots of meat. Toured the whole ship Dinner tonight is a French Bistro so we are going to eat light today and exercise. Got internet access yesterday and worked for 78 minutes. This morning, worked on my laptop so far for an hour. Later, I have to back on line and do my time card. Sitting on the balcony, chilly with a cool breeze, having coffee, journal and listening to the waves. So far, so good. Slept all the way until 6:25 and did not wake up in the middle of the night. Dick is still comfy in bed. The foam on the water is aquamarine with white caps blending into a deep, grayish blue. Sea is not calm. Sky is cloudy with a hint of sun and blue skies peaking through. It is Friday, we get to Maui on Monday. I see a ship on the horizon ahead of us. Interesting that there are not sea birds flying around, no food I guess.
March 19, 2016 Sun on the ocean- Breezy
Continuing shooting the ocean and its colors, the white caps, it is partly sunny. The water is a deep partly navy blue. Last night, we ate at the Bistro. It was nice. Played cribbage at lunch outside at the aft of the ship, it was foggy and breezy. Tonight we eat at Cagneys, a high end steak house. Woke up 3 times during the night, fortunately, I was able to go back to sleep until about 6:30. Dick creamed me at cribbage. We decided that this kind of cruising is not for us, we would rather take road trips, of course more flexibility. Because of the fog, yesterday, the ship's horn would blow at set intervals. Finished work for the week. The ship rocks from side to side, yesterday it rocked a lot, hard to keep balanced. We met a young crew member server at breakfast, her name, Chloe Irish, from Portsmouth, England. Family lives in Ohio, she got her MBA and decided that she wanted to travel before getting seriously into her career. So it is 5 months on and 5 weeks off. She says it is an interesting and hard job. She does the inter-island cruise and it is basically a transportation vehicle, a place for people to eat and sleep. What got us started about where she was from was that I asked for tea with milk, she wanted to know why, no one had aver asked for milk that was when we discovered her family is from Portsmouth. She was very pleasant, seems to have a lot of potential. Glad to have met her, one of the memories of the cruise.
March 20, 2016 Island weather
Drinking coffee on the balcony of our stateroom. I can tell we are getting close to Maui, the weather is warmer with a gentle breeze. Ate at Skyline for lunch and Cagney's for dinner. Saw the Frankie Valley show in the theater after dinner, it was nice. Met the captain as we were coming back to our room. Did some exercises this morning in the room with the bands. partly sunny/cloudy. I think today, I will be able to wear shorts and flip flops instead of long pants and sweatshirt. On the horizon, to the left, I see a rainbow. Dick and I observed that Alison is most happy when she gets into her studies like last semester and the semester before at Sierra. She attends class every day, sits up front engages with the professors and the curriculum and does exceedingly well. We need to remind her of that observation. All the crew on the ship have been helpful, friendly and welcoming. Just to think that we heard a week before we left that Skyline was filled with sewing machines, fabric and containers of furniture. There are still contractors working on the decks. Crew quarters are on decks 1-4, Decks 5 & 6 are the decks that you can walk around, they also have the shops, restaurants, bars and theaters. Deck 11 has restaurants, the one where we had our Brazilian dinner-that so far was the best. Deck 12 has the Fitness center, another bar and the pool (which is not opened) and hot tubs (open). Dick has done very well walking around and staying healthy. As far as cruises go, this is pretty nice. Dick beat me at crib again, although a much closer game and I had a much better hand at times scoring in one hand 16 points.
March 21, 2016 Land at Long Last
Yesterday was fun, we sat on the balcony for a couple of hours, saw a couple of birds, read the days activities and laughed. Lunch at Skyline, brekkie at the usual. This morning, new brekkie at the Cadillac. Docked at Maui, cell service at last, talked to Alison. Good to hear her voice. Dinner last night at La Cocina on 11, a nice venue. from now on we are going to eat complimentary places. Today, we tour Maui. More later.
March 22, 2016 The big island
Maui was ok, weather beautiful, Crowded though. A lot of traffic. We ate at Cadillac for breakfast and dinner then sat on the aft deck basked in full moonlight and listening to a Hawaiian band before coming to bed. Woke up in the middle of the night at about 3:15, got a text from Alison, Seth broke their dinner date a no show, no phone call, no text, stood her up. Had a bad day at work? I called, she was so upset, so beside herself, so down on herself. She should not let anyone make her feel that way, up and down with him, I say walk away, she deserves so much better. They are from 2 different worlds, culturally, they may never click. Today off to Volcano national park. Dick did not sleep well leg cramps and he had to pee a lot. Hawaii sure is serene, peaceful and lush.
go go a state park in Maui and I got to hike a bit. The big island shore looks serene, peaceful and lush. Hooded nun orchid, we are on the Hilo tour to Volcanoes National Park, Macadamia and Orchid museum.
March 23, 2016 Gentle sea breezes
And the smell of the ocean, it it nice and peaceful sitting on our balcony. We are almost to Kona, it is almost 6 am. Today, we anchor no port and have to off bord ship by taking a boat to shore. Yesterday was nice. Hilo, waterfalls, Volcanoes National Park was very interesting. I hear something going on, can't see anything, though, they must be putting the anchor down. When we get back, I want to go to the pool deck. Last night, ate dinner at Aloha. Complimentary. I had piece of pizza. It was nice. Looking forward to Kauai tomorrow. Alison is having a bad patch with Seth. Work is his priority. He need to find work life balance. She will not stick around long if he doesn't focus more on her and their relationship. She has so much to offer in the right relationship. I hope that she is not wasting her time. Aloha for now.
March 24, 2016 Sunny at Sea
Kona was interesting, its history prior to Christianity, Christianity and cattle ranching..After the tour we took a long walk and had lunch, it was very nice. Dinner last night was also very nice. I don't know how far we have left to get to Kauai. Today we pack up, turn in off-boarding papers go to the Luau. Just got cell service, must be getting closer. Alison had a very rough day yesterday with Seth and Jess. I hope she is having a better day today.
March 25 & 26, 2016
Luau was nice, got back to the ship. Thunder and lightening storm from the balcony. We have never seen anything like it before. Disembarked, yesterday, had some help, took a taxi to Marriott. I have never seen it rain so hard in the early morning. Fortunately, when we got off, it stopped raining was wet and cloud. Our room is 935 facing the ocean. it is very nice, larger than usual. I like it. Dick says it is too far to walk to the beach and pool. Good night sleep last night, watched acorn for the first time in 2 weeks. New material. Cruise was a good experience, last one for me. I am content coming to Kauai and Carmel Highlands, road trips estates in England. The weather is beautiful today. Fresh smells of the beach and sea air. Alison had a better day yesterday, Seth took her out on Thursday for Sushi. Last night they went to a movie, although, Heath overslept and they were late. Had to go to the late, late movie. I reminded her to watch these patterns and do not move in with Seth and Heath next semester. Today, stay on property, oatmeal for breakfast, walk, pool, read, more acorn, enjoy living Aloha. I love the sound of the waves crashing and the birds chirping especially the doves.
March 27 & 28, 2016
Yesterday was Easter and Dad's birthday, I love him and miss him so much, so grateful to be his daughter and to have grown up in our family just as Alison was saying the other day that she had a great childhood growing up in our family, the love goes on. Went to All Saints in Kapaa for church, great service, the worship, music, sermon, potluck. Truly a church O'hana. Ryan, the rector, is excellent and Hank the choir director and piano player, first class. Had a cold, so picked up some Theraflu. Early in the morning, I could hear music, there was a sunrise service at Kalapaki beach near the cliffs. Curiosity got the better of me, so I walked down there before church, it was lovely. Came back to the villa, Dick took a nap, I watched Killing Jesus. Then took medicine and a nap. I feel better today. Schedule for the day: Aly Skype at 8, Ryan Walker re: money at 9, presentation at 1:30, see Delores too! Yesterday the weather was beautiful all day. This morning it is cloudy. Still always fresh and peaceful.
March 29, 2016
Yesterday was nice, beautiful weather. Had breakfast in the room, took a walk up to the Lagoons where we stay tonight. Learned that there is a swim exercise class at 11 am today and tomorrow, we plan to go. Had our presentation at 1:30. Signed the Hyatt papers, went to dinner at happy hour. The pork buns and chickens wings were awful. The Lamb burger and pot stickers good. Dick had a nice salad instead of fries to go with the burger. Skyped with Alison for 2 hours. She looks good. She has finally gotten over pining and worrying about Seth and how badly he has been treating her lately by not making her a priority in his life. She wrote him a long communication about where is the Seth I fell in love with and wanting him back. Saying that she will not take being treated poorly any longer. He replied by saying he would never do anything to hurt her, that he loves her. Time will tell. Dick is still asleep, I re-packed. All coming together. Now to find a notary and a Fedex place. Aloha for now. Now at the Lagoons. Nice and quiet.
March 30, 2016
Last day here in Kauai. Nice sleep last night. Wine and cheese on the balcony for dinner, cookies and iced tea for Dick. Beautiful views and a gorgeous day. We leave for the airport at 1, our flight leaves at 3 pm. We are 1/2 hour into the flight. Car return and boarding easy with assistance for Dick. Nice morning after check out at the Lagoon BBQ area where we had snacks before leaving for the airport.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Christmas Tree 2015

Happy Holidays

Boxing Day-December 26, 2015

Outstanding Christmas season this year. Started out with Aly coming home on December 12. We had rain and storms, Oysters Rockefeller and Fondue at home. Office holidays were lovely with parties, niceties, gifts
exchanges, etc. People wishing each other Merry Christmas, and Happy holidays. On Christmas Eve, they gave us 2 hours. I finished Christmas shopping so did Aly & Dick. I went to the Christmas pageant at St. Augustine's. I am glad that I did, it was very special. Aly and I finished trimming the tree, what a beautiful tree. Christmas morning, we had our traditional breakfast and opened presents. I made a cheese omelet, perfecto. Aly stayed up until 5 am wrapping presents. She has a gift for that.
Dick got all of his kitchen gourmet cooking gadgets. Aly made pumpkin pies for the celebration at Mom's in San Jose. We brought the Ham and everyone else contributed food and drink for the feast. Bob, Kitty and family set up the back room beautifully so that we could all eat together in one room. We all seemed to arrive at Mom's at about 3 pm. I drove down, Aly drove home. We snacked, opened presents, had dinner and dessert. There were 26 of us, 4 generations of Dixon's. We said grace Toasted Mom and Mom toasted the family. Youngest kids 2-ish, going up from there. I knew that there would be announcements. Molly expecting a boy in JUne. Monique expecting a girl in March. So Dill and Finn will have a little brother and Jeremiah will have a little sister soon. We thought of and missed those not with us-Dad, Mike, Will.

When we left, we were greeted with a large, bright full moon. It was largest moon around the Christmas Holiday in years.

Noteworthy events leading up to Christmas this last week in the Dickens' family.

1. New partition in back room, so we have a sun eating /great room and an office cum exercise room cum den. It is great!
2. Dick backed in to the garage door on Tuesday. It was replaced on Wednesday, we lucked out.
3. Aly spent a couple of nights with Jess.

Tomorrow off to Tampa to spend the week with Rob, his new girlfriend, Finley, Dylan & Kyle for New Year's.

2015 was a good year, looking forward to 2016

Happy New Year!

January 2, 2016

Dick and my trip canceled-2 flights so we had a stay-cation. Discovered 3 new places to eat. The Firehouse in Old Sac, the Source in Granite Bay for Tapas & the Egg in Auburn for breakfast & lunch. I took long walks with Sloane & Millie, worked a bit as well. Have the Christmas tree on, it is so warm inside and cozy. Cold outside. We all had colds this past week, over them now.

We skyped with the Family staying at Bonita Springs on New Year's Eve. Except where the boys ganged up on Aly and she called and wanted to come home. Rob later apologized. We got to meet Rob's girlfriend, Laura. They partied at the Hyatt Regency with Aly & Kyle spending the night there. Today is Aly's spa day and the rest are at the dog races.

Dick is fixing a lamb roast in his new Sous Vita, it cooks for 9 hours. He vacuum sealed the meal in his new vacuum sealer. It should be good. This is his replacement for a slow cooker.

Now off to do do some shopping.